1. LRM Exclusive Interview With Maria Augusta Ramos Director Of O ...
LRM had the pleasure of sitting down with Ramos recently in Berlin, to talk about the nerve-racking impeachment, the country's current state, her take on the ...
Brazil is a country with some of the most intoxicatingly lush topography, which relentlessly lures tourism, endless natural resources, some of the warmest
2. o processo como instrumento de luta dos refugiados pela efetividade de ...
Da invisibilidade ao reconhecimento: o processo como instrumento de luta dos refugiados pela efetividade de seus direitos. 2017. 188 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em ...
The international refugee institute acquires a notable space of discussion in the juridical sciences, notably because, in spite of the vast and extensive protection mechanisms already in existence, there is a gap between normative texts and the realization of the rights prescribed therein. To this extent, it is perceived that the mere affirmation of the rights that are guaranteed to the refugees is not enough to guarantee them the recovery of lost dignity, revealing experiences of invisibility and exclusion. The study, therefore, runs through the need to understand the question of justice as a space of participation on equal conditions with other members of the social body and the procedural phenomenon as an attentive mechanism to the needs of achieving this same justice. The general objective presented in the study is precisely to present the use of the judicial process as a possible, apt and necessary mechanism in the search for the effectiveness of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Brazil. In view of this, Axel Honneth's theory of recognition was used, with an emphasis on its legal dimension. After the introductory stage, the second chapter inserts the reader in the theme of violence that generates forced human displacements throughout history until contemporaneity and, at the same time, as a stimulus for the establishment of a system of global protection for this population. The third chapter, in turn, takes care of the evolution of the refugee definition and p...
3. O processo especial de revitalização : uma via verde de ...
The study results showed that the PER is intended to be a special, swift and expeditious process with the aim of helping to conclude the most advantageous ...
With the present master's dissertation in Business Law, we intend to analyze the special process of revitalization as an instrument of judicial reorganization of companies in the light of the law currently in force and reflect on its suitability and current pertinences Transparency, the idea that the submission of companies to the insolvency process works most of the time, as a "weapon of destruction", since it arises from certain and certain deficiencies caused by vicissitudes that can trigger an economic-financial crisis in the company , which can manifest itself in different ways and through a set of indicators that typically evolve as an unfavorable economic event for them. Thus, the option for the theme is justified by the fact that, with the introduction of PER, a paradigm shift was marked in Portuguese Insolvency law, by establishing the primacy of recovery over settlement, with a view to recovering the fabric business. So, the central question has arisen, is PER, an alternative instrument to insolvency, which gives companies in situations of imminent insolvency the opportunity to establish negotiations with their creditors?” This investigation has as its main objective the special revitalization process as a green way to recover viable companies. Having as specific objectives: i) Point out the applicability of PER, particularly aimed at companies in difficult economic situations, ii) verify the applicability of PER to companies. iii) Demonstrate the diffe...
4. O processo educativo e a formação identitária - Faculdades EST
The aim of this research is to explore the following theme: the implications of the educational process into the formation of identity.
A presente dissertação visa explorar as implicações do processo educativo na formação identitária, discorrendo sobre o processo de construção e desenvolvimento da identidade e sua relação com o processo educativo. Para tanto, utilizou-se como marco teórico o conceito de identidade de Roberto Daunis, sendo abordados os conceitos de "eu", "self" e individuação para a compreensão da identidade. Utilizando os pressupostos da estruturação da personalidade dados pela teoria psicanalítica freudiana, a qual determina e fundamenta ativamente a estruturação dialética da identidade, corroborando que personalidade e identidade são estruturas concomitantes, foi dada ênfase às fases psicossexuais do desenvolvimento e a estruturação da psique em ego, superego e id. Baseando-se também nos conceitos de identidade narrativa de Paul Ricoeur, discorre-se sobre as três fases fundamentais para a elaboração da identidade, a saber: a introjeção, a identificação e a identidade. A partir dessa extensa base teórica que fornece subsídios para compreensão da formação identitária, seguiu-se com a análise das implicações do processo educativo na construção identitária, baseando-se na compreensão de que a constituição do ser esbarra, incondicionalmente, nas teorias da educação e aprendizagem e no entendimento do seu caráter ideológico. Sobre as teorias da educação, procurou-se destacar o lugar do currículo na aprendizagem, a influência das instâncias culturais e os tipos de estilos educativos e suas influên...
5. Resolução sobre o Processo Eleitoral e a Governação Participativa
Resolução sobre o Processo Eleitoral e a Governação Participativa - CADHP/Res.23(XIX)96 · Theme of the year · Trending.
A Comissão Africana dos Direitos Humanos e dos Povos (CADHP) é um dos órgãos da União Africana (UA), conforme estabelecido pela Carta Africana
6. O processo de institucionalização de um sistema de planejamento ...
theme is a result of a skeptical feeling towards government planning in the state leveI among the bureaucrats in Brazil. This feeling is due to the ...
The obj ecti ve of the present study is to fOnIr.l1ate an analysis of an experiment in government planning, through the application of the institution building model to the case of the state of Paraná. The author's choice of this theme is a result of a skeptical feeling towards government planning in the state leveI among the bureaucrats in Brazil. This feeling is due to the existence of an excessive centralization inthe public policy formulation process by the Federal Government, which centralizes even the main implementation instruments of such policies .. The second reason for the choice of this theme is the possibility of the planning experiment in Para ná State Government, in the 1975/1980 period, having been conducted as an exception to· this feeling. The basic theoretical framework used in the development of this study was the model formulated by Milton J. Esman and Hans C.Blaise of the Inter-University Research Program in Institution Building - IRPIB,led· by theUniversity of Pittsburgh. This model is based on the system analysis theory and, consequentely, regards organizations as open systems which are in permanent relationship with the enviro~ mente Therefore, the several variables analysed in the model are concentrated in the characterization of three basic elements: the organization, the environment and the linkages between both. The study is divided in to five chapters. In the first chapter the author introduces the theme and pointsout its importance, the objectiv...
7. Reflex?es sobre o processo minorit?rio: design de moda, arte e ...
Thus, with the theme of minority processes and philosophy, the objective was to understand the processes of construction of cultural objects as devices and ...
The year 2018 marks a political turning point in Brazil: the ultra-conservative candidate wins the presidential election and institutes a government program that is not favorable to minorities. It is known that one of the strategies adopted in the campaign was the use of fake news on social networks, especially through the Whatsapp platform. The main fake news was the so-called gay kit. This communicational device, originally a school booklet aimed at combating homophobia in public high school institutions, became an instrument of power for the homophobic discourse of the conservative bench. Due to the negative effects of such a false value-building process in relation to the LGBTQ + community, we chose to study and reflect on the micropolitical practices of the groups affected by the conservative policies being implemented by the current power regime. Then, within the horizon of Queer Philosophy and Philosophy of Immanence, as well as Communication and Culture, with the definition of analysis artifacts from the world of art, fashion design and audiovisual resources, we seek to reflect critically on the process of struggle and social resistance faced by minority groups. Thus, with the theme of minority processes and philosophy, the objective was to understand the processes of construction of cultural objects as devices and machines of war, facing a context that oppresses and tries to subject minority bodies, to an order of beliefs and behaviors conservative, based on heterono...
8. Sobre O Processo De Mediação Social Nos Projetos ... - IDEAS/RePEc
----------------------------------------The social mediation is a theme that in the last years it comes winning space in the discussions on the rural ...
A mediação social é um tema que nos últimos anos vem ganhando espaço nas discussões sobre o desenvolvimento rural, mais especificamente, nas questões referentes à intervenção para o desenvolvimento.
9. Temos a terra, e agora, somos livres? : um estudo sobre o processo ...
... theme of the work. With theoretical and historical support relating to the issue of land and ruralities in Brazil coming from the works of Ignácio Rangel ...
O processo pelo qual as pessoas no assentamento rural Nova Tangará constroem (e lidam com) suas condições de organização social e política e sua inclusão socioprodutiva é o principal tema do trabalho. Com o suporte teórico e histórico relativo à questão da terra e das ruralidades no Brasil oriundo das obras de Ignácio Rangel, José de Souza Martins, Klaas Woortmann, José Graziano da Silva, Sérgio Sauer, Leonilde Medeiros, Bernardo Mançano Fernandes, e em consonância epistemológica com Pierre Bourdieu em suas noções de estratégia, hábitus e classe, elaborou-se a seguinte questão de pesquisa: com a propriedade da terra, os sujeitos agora são autônomos? Qual é o conteúdo dessa autonomia? A hipótese é que a maior parte dos membros daquele assentamento busca sustentar os maiores índices possíveis de autonomia na perspectiva de proprietário. A ideia de comunidade de assentamento, nesse sentido, seria um inconveniente subjetivo para a maior parte dos assentados; seria melhor ter o reconhecimento social de agricultor/a familiar. Realizou-se um aprofundamento teórico, contido no primeiro capítulo, identificando que a renda da terra, discutida por Ignágio Rangel, José de Souza Martins e José Graziano da Silva, é uma categoria fundamental para compreender os processos de individualização dos sujeitos em seus lotes, de dificuldades de organização comunitária e de precariedade social e produtiva observadas no assentamento. Sobre os aspectos metodológicos, os procedimentos foram entrevistas...
10. O processo extraordinário de viabilização de Empresas (PEVE ...
The theme that we proposed to analyze in this Dissertation focuses, as a whole, in the analysis of the response that the Portuguese legislator conceived ...
The classic view of world dynamics, has undergone a profound change in an economic perspective. The pandemic situation that took over the world at the end of 2019 was the main reason, imposing high-caliber measures in all States. Those adaptive measures were required to sanitary, economic, social and cultural level, with each country having strategically chosen those most favorable to their needs. The theme that we proposed to analyze in this Dissertation focuses, as a whole, in the analysis of the response that the Portuguese legislator conceived, due to the Covid-19, in business recovery. It is known that the reserves of liquidity of most Portuguese companies have a limited capacity, whereby, the Legislator was forced to question whether the measures that make up the legislation of emergency were fair or/and adjusted to the resolution of present and future problems, due to the pandemic crisis that has erupted. In order to combat the difficulties caused to the companies by successive confinements, the reduction of purchasing power and the drop in supply/consumption, constituted a new regime: The ‘’Processo Extraordinário de Viabilização de Empresas’’ (abbreviated PEVE) ruled by the “Lei nº 75/2020”, since 27th November. PEVE it’s a judicial process of an extraordinary, transitional and very urgent character aimed exclusively to companies that are in a difficult economic situation or insolvency, imminent or current, by virtue of the pandemic crisis, aiming homologation by the...