Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa (2024)

Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa was the final match of the Miyagi Prefectural Spring Qualifiers. The match was the first 5-set match for Karasuno and also in the entire series. After many tough brawls and a temporary setback in the final set, Karasuno was able to push through and win the match 3:2. With their victory, Karasuno qualified as Miyagi's representative for the Spring High National Tournament.


  • 1 Match
    • 1.1 Prologue
    • 1.2 Set 1
    • 1.3 Set 2
    • 1.4 Set 3
    • 1.5 Set 4
    • 1.6 Set 5
    • 1.7 Aftermath
  • 2 Trivia



Karasuno arrives at Sendai City Gym for the match and see Ushijima waiting for them outside the building. Hinata and Kageyama step forward and vow they will be the victors and make it to nationals. Ushijima accepts their challenge and heads inside to prepare for the match. Hinata becomes more excited to play. Before heading in, Daichi hears someone call to him and spots Michimiya running over with Aihara and Chizuru. Daichi is surprised to see them and Michimiya is so overcome with excitement that she stumbles over her words. After being reminded by Chizuru, Michimiya hands Daichi a charm to grant certain victory to the team. As she once again stumbles over her words, Daichi takes the charm and thanks her for giving it to him. He then hurries off after thanking them for coming to the game and hopes they will cheer for the team.

As the Karasuno team makes their way to the gym, Tanaka is overwhelmed by how many people have come to see the finals. Nishinoya tries to advice Tanaka to not be nervous by reminding him that by playing in front of a large crowd they are sure to gain the attention of many female admirers, possibly even gaining the attention of Kiyoko. Nishinoya and Tanaka become totally focused on this goal and begin chanting that they will do their best to gain the most female attention as Ennosh*ta and Daichi try to quiet them down. The group begins to move again when Hinata is called by someone in the crowd. He turns and is surprised to see his friends Izumi and Kōji. Tanaka questions who the two are and Hinata explains the two to be friends of his who participated in the volleyball tournament he played in while in middle school. Kōji becomes alert when he spots Kageyama walking behind Hinata. Hinata then explains that Kageyama is now his teammate and his brash attitude was due to personal reasons that he has now mostly overcome. Kōji questions Hinata if he will be alright with Kageyama around, but Hinata assures them that everything is under control and they will witness this during the game.

Kageyama calls out to Hinata that the team is leaving. Hinata thanks his friends for attending before hurrying off to catch up with the team. On their way to the main gym, Daichi suddenly stops, causing Sugawara to run into him. The third-years spot a familiar elderly fan, Shizuyasu Yokoyama, standing not too far away while muttering how he believes the team may have possibly made it to the finals on a fluke. Ukai also spots Yokoyama, revealing that he had seen him appear at several matches and that he will cheer for plays that are good but boo for ones that are bad. Sugawara says that they have seen him appear at games since they were first-years and Daichi vows that they will not allow Yokoyama to call them grounded crows again. Now ready, the team heads onto the court to warm-up while Shimada and Takinoue lead a group of alumni and members of the shopping district into the stands to be the cheering squad. At the same time, Karasuno's vice principal tries to lead the present students in a cheer but is unsuccessful and is reminded by Minaho Ono that they had barely practiced any cheers the day before. Takinoue is concerned about the student cheering squad but Shimada instead says they should be confident like the team is. At that moment, they look out to the court and see that many of the players are actually incredibly nervous. Hinata heads off to the bathroom again while Yamaguchi and Asahi beg Yachi for stomach medicine. Tanaka tries to show a jealous Nishinoya that there are cheerleaders present. Daichi and Takeda try to help the players calm down while Tsukishima laughs at their behavior. Shimada, Takinoue, Izumi, and Kōji stare in disbelief at the Karasuno team.

Shimada hears a small commotion and spots Saeko dragging a disguised figure over toward them, believing him to be a spy for Shiratorizawa. The man reveals himself to be Akiteru Tsukishima, the older brother of Kei, who was instructed by his younger brother not to attend the game. Despite his disguise and trying to hide, Tsukishima easily spots his brother and gives him an annoyed look. Takinoue remarks how the two brothers are nothing alike, especially in terms of personality. At that moment, everyone hears the sound of drums and soon the Shiratorizawa Academy students and cheering squad begins to cheer for their team, completely outdoing Karasuno in cheers right away. The entire Karasuno side becomes flustered at the cheering squad and the aura they give of Shiratorizawa being a powerhouse school. Tanaka points out how the Shiratorizawa team has not yet arrived and believes they are late on purpose due to the fact of being a champion team. Hinata then turns toward the opposite side doors that soon open and the Shiratorizawa players make their appearance and gain more cheers from the cheering squad.

A flashback begins of the previous night of Karasuno having their meeting while holding rather large booklets of information and countermeasures for the game against Shiratorizawa. Ukai begins by going over how Aoba Johsai is the most complete team in the prefecture while Shiratorizawa as the most incomplete team. Daichi questions what Ukai means by this and Ukai answers how he has gone over all of the information on Shiratorizawa team found by Kiyoko and Yachi. Ukai explains how teams such as themselves and others use things like timed attacks and decoys to multiply everyone's abilities. Shiratorizawa is an exception as they are a team of addition, meaning they possess a team of highly skilled players that simply adds strength. While Shiratorizawa does use the occasional delayed attack, if they ever have a receive that is not perfect or if they are in a position where they need a point it is a sure thing that they will send a high and slow toss to Ushijima because it is guaranteed to work in their favor. Outside the flashback, Ushijima delivers a powerful spike that sends the ball into the stands and is caught by a stunned Izumi. Having watched Ushijima just now, Hinata recalls how Ukai warned them to be cautious of the strength Shiratorizawa has as they will not hesitate when coming face to face with Karasuno's guard; using Ushijima as their ultimate spear.

Karasuno soon begin their warm-ups and a ball falls over to the Shiratorizawa side. Hinata chases after it and the ball is handed to him by Reon who Hinata instantly sees as Benkei and is surprised when he heard one of the Shiratorizawa players call him by his name. To the side, Tendō had watched the interaction and predicted that Hinata nicknamed Reon as Benkei, though Reon points out this is possibly a mistake. Semi then points out that Hinata is one of two players from Karasuno's famous quick set, surprising Tendō upon hearing this. Two Shiratorizawa female fans spot Hinata and guess that he's a substitute player and criticize Karasuno for using a kid on their team. At that moment, Tanaka urges Hinata and Kageyama to demonstrate the new spike they had done during the Seijoh game. With Ukai's words of how Karasuno will not lose when it comes to gaining points running through their minds, Hinata and Kageyama perform their new touch spike where Hinata spikes the ball straight down with a snap from his wrist; surprising Karasuno and Shiratorizawa fans alike at the speed and angle of the shot. The Shiratorizawa players are especially surprised by the attack. Yamagata and Reon express how excited they are to be able to face Karasuno as they now see how they were able to beat Aoba Johsai.

Goshiki proclaims that they will overpower whoever their enemy is as they always do. Shirabu remarks on how Goshiki should remain silent until he has the skill to back up his words. Tendō quickly intervenes by saying Goshiki was just saying something as cool as his haircut, to which Goshiki greatly thanks Tendō. Taichi remarks how Tendō is babying Goshiki but Tendō replies that he is simply counting on Goshiki as he is the only first-year to be a starting regular and the one who will become the next ace after Ushijima. At hearing Tendō call him the future ace, Goshiki declares that he will not let the team down, though his teammates seem to be more amused at his antics of being labeled the future ace. Ushijima arrives to announce they are practicing receives next and Tendō announces their faith in him to do his best. Reon tells Tendō that he too should put his best effort in as they cannot always rely on Ushijima. Goshiki then states to Ushijima that he will do what he must to prove he will be the ace of the finals. Tendō is utterly surprised at Goshiki's statement but Ushijima only replies for Goshiki to do his best. The warm-ups have ended and the teams are getting their talks from the coaches. Ukai announces that they were correct in guessing Shiratorizawa's starting line-up. Ukai advises the team to not let Ushijima determine the course of the game and that the opposing players will make mistakes during the game that the Karasuno team should capitalize on. Takeda steps forward and urges the team to go out and play to win to advance to the nationals.

The teams soon are introduced to the crowd before Ushijima and Daichi shake hands hoping for a good game. Each side's starting line-up is soon introduced and the players take their starting positions. In the stands, Saeko is starting to feel the same nerves as the players and Akiteru soon points out how the teams will be playing five sets. Shimada explains that because this is a finals game, there will be five sets to play with either team needing to win three of the five sets in order to advance to the nationals. Saeko points out this will be a tiring event and Shimada admits he is concerned about the stamina of the team before he, Akiteru, and Takinoue are scolded for being the nervous ones when the team needs their support. Shimada and Takinoue notice how the Karasuno line-up is different than it normally is with Hinata now in the back row and Asahi, Tsukishima and Kageyama all in the front. They guess this is due to wanting their highest wall against Ushijima. As the game is about to begin, Hinata is right away rotated out and Nishinoya is rotated in.

Set 1[]

Daichi delivers the first serve. Goshiki receives and sends the ball to Shirabu. The setter calls for Ushijima as he sets the ball. Asahi, Tsukishima, and Kageyama jump in an attempt to block but Ushijima easily spikes past, and the ball is sent directly to Nishinoya. Nishinoya positions himself to receive but is surprised when the ball ricochets off his arms and flies out-of-bounds, giving the first point to Shiratorizawa. Nishinoya looks over to Ushijima and grins while greeting the left-handed spiker. Taichi serves next. He sends the ball to the left towards Daichi. Daichi predicts it's going out, but the ball lands in and scores. He apologizes for his mistake. Taichi serves again and clips the net. Asahi and Tanaka both state they will go after the ball, and because of this, the ball lands and scores once again. Kageyama notices how everyone is nervous and are making beginner's mistakes. Sugawara then angrily shouts out for the players to stop being so worked up, earning him a warning glare from the referee. Taichi serves again and Daichi receives it. Tsukishima performs a quick, but Goshiki receives it. Reon sends the ball to Ushijima, who spikes and scores, as Nishinoya is unable to receive.

In the stands, Saeko now realizes what had been bugging her about Ushijima as she now sees that he is left-handed and this most likely being the reason he approaches to spike from the right side of the court. Takinoue confirms her realization and adds that having a player like Ushijima being opposite of the setter may be the reason why Karasuno had started with a different rotation; in order to have a skilled all-round receiver like Daichi positioned where Ushijima's spike would most likely be sent. He adds that players like Ushijima are always ready for an attack from either the front or back row and normally do not serve or receive. Akiteru says that players like Ushijima used to be labeled Super Ace. While he says this, Ushijima scores another point right past Karasuno's block, and Shiratorizawa leads 5-0.

Tanaka follows up with a spike, which lands cleanly and scores, earning the second-year some great praise. Saeko praises her brother before once again questioning why Ushijima is such a difficult opponent to deal with. Takinoue explains that most of the time, Karasuno faces players who are right-handed. Blockers will position themselves in front of the opposing spiker's dominant hand in order to get a better chance at blocking. But if they are faced with an opponent who spikes in a way they are not used to, it is certain that the blockers will miss. Shiratorizawa scores their eighth point and leads 8-3, and a technical timeout takes place. Yachi explains to Saeko that this takes place only in a five-set match when either team reaches eight or 16 points. During the timeout, Ukai reminds the team that blocking comes down to timing and to try to at least be able to touch the ball even if they can't stop it in order to pressure Ushijima to remind him of Karasuno's wall.

The timeout ends and the game continues. Right away, Ushijima spikes and Tsukishima gets a one-touch. However, the ball lands out before Tanaka can get to it and scores, bringing Shiratorizawa to a six-point lead. In a brief flashback, Nishinoya states that while Shiratorizawa has Ushijima, Karasuno has him. Ukai agrees and goes on to say that while they are aware they cannot stop all of Ushijima's attacks they just need to focus on making the impossible spikes possible, calling it the "Total Defense." This plan would have the blockers force Ushijima into a line shot and the ball going directly to where Nishinoya will be positioned. The flashback ends and Ushijima is up to spike again as he is faced with a triple block. Even with spot-on timing to block, Ushijima makes it through and the ball goes right to Nishinoya. The Karasuno libero momentarily has control of the ball before it continues out. Nishinoya remains calm and focuses back on the game. Saeko is concerned about Nishinoya not being able to pick up the receives and Akiteru voices that it may be due to the spin of the ball. He explains the difference the spin of the ball has when spiked by a right- or left-handed person. The spin can make a great difference in the way it is received.

Goshiki serves next and Tanaka receives, but the ball is sent back to Shiratorizawa. Ushijima is sent the last hit and Tsukishima realizes he and Asahi jumped to block too early. Ushijima lands a powerful spike that sends the ball bouncing toward the ceiling. Seeing Tsukishima focusing on the timing of the blocks, Yamaguchi recalls when he had spoken to Tsukishima on whether he believed he would be able to stop any of Ushijima's spikes and Tsukishima admitted there was no way he would be able to beat Ushijima. Tsukishima misses a block by Taichi as he has been focusing too much on the timing for Ushijima. With a score of 15-7, Kawanishi goes to serve but sends the ball directly into the net. As Asahi serves, Akiteru notes how his brother is a player who relies more on what his eyes process and does not count on the instincts he has honed. At Ushijima's next spike, Tsukishima quickly positions himself to block with perfect timing; something Ushijima himself notices but is still able to get past Tsukishima.

With Shiratorizawa at 16 points, another technical timeout is called. Akiteru sees how Tsukishima was able to get in the path of Ushijima's spike but questions why he wasn't able to block. Despite being complimented by Hinata and Ennosh*ta on how close he is to receiving Ushijima's spikes, Nishinoya believes that Ushijima is not spiking at his full strength. Yamaguchi becomes slightly panicked when he notices Tsukishima's finger is jammed from the last block attempt. As Ennosh*ta tapes his finger, Tsukishima questions his last block, wondering if he hesitated but instead realizes he believed he would lose. The timeout ends and Takeda tries to encourage the team to stay relaxed until he realizes that Ushijima is up to serve. Takeda becomes nervous, believing that his serves could possibly be as devastating as his spikes. Ukai agrees that while Ushijima does not have the same kind of control as Oikawa, the power behind the serve could still be as devastating.

Ushijima serves and Daichi attempts to save but the ball is sent way out. Tsukishima is silently grateful that he is not in the position to receive and realizes that Karasuno may have to surrender the first set as it seems nearly impossible for them to catch up with a nine-point difference. He then looks over to Nishinoya who is completely focused as Ushijima prepares to serve again. Ushijima serves and Daichi is barely able to hold himself back as Nishinoya positions himself and receives the ball, sending it straight into the air and surprising the Karasuno team. Kageyama jumps in a spiking motion, causing Tendō and Reon to jump to block until Kageyama suddenly changes to a setting potion and sends the ball to Tanaka who lands a spike. Asahi and Daichi marvel at Nishinoya keeping his word of being able to get use to Ushijima's hits and are determined not to just stand around. Tanaka is impressed at how Kageyama seems so calm despite the team they are playing against and Kageyama explains this is because no one frightens him more than Oikawa.

At the next rally, Sugawara is subbed in for Tsukishima as Hinata rotates in; his height and position catching the attention of Tendō. Sugawara serves and aims right for Ushijima, but Reon instead receives the serve, seeming to confirm that he will not go after a serve. Shirabu sets to Tendō who uses a time lag attack to throw Hinata off and lands his spike. Tsukishima is subbed back in and rotates out for Nishinoya. Reon serves but it lands out. Kageyama serves next and lands a service ace. Ukai is impressed at how Kageyama and Nishinoya are able to play like they normally do despite they are facing Shiratorizawa. Kageyama serves again and Reon receives. Shirabu sends the last to Goshiki. He lands a straight shot and right away wonders if his team noticed only to see Ushijima complimenting Reon on his receive.

Shiratorizawa reaches set point 24-16. The next rally plays out as Asahi attempts to spike but the ball is picked up by Reon. Goshiki sends the ball to Ushijima who spikes past Hinata and Tanaka, but Nishinoya is able to get the ball up though it's off. Tanaka sends Hinata the last hit. Hinata performs a rebound off Goshiki's hand for another setup. Asahi sends the ball to Kageyama as Hinata charges forward. He jumps to the side and spikes past Tendō only for Ushijima to receive the spike, surprising everyone. Ushijima calls for Shirabu to give him the last hit and he spikes past Kageyama, Hinata and Tanaka with great force, thus winning the first set for Shiratorizawa.

Set 2[]

As the teams switch sides, Tendō notices how Ushijima is paying close attention to Hinata and questions him on it. Ushijima reveals he had met Hinata earlier and Hinata had promised that he and Karasuno would beat Shiratorizawa and make it to nationals. Tendō believes that Ushijima finds Hinata amusing but Ushijima denies this saying that he dislikes Hinata because of his confidences that does not seem to have a basis. Ukai is advising the team not to panic despite that Ushijima alone scored nearly half of the winning points for his team. He then points out that because Ushijima is being sent the ball so much, the remaining players on the Shiratorizawa team are becoming frustrated. He reminds them that Ushijima will eventually reach the end of his stamina and will begin to make mistakes.

The second set begins with Goshiki's serve. He believes it has a good course, but Daichi is able to receive it, annoying Goshiki, and Karasuno performs a synchronized attack. Kageyama sets the ball to Daichi and Yamagata is unable to receive his spike, earning Karasuno the first point of the set. Daichi serves next and Reon receives. Shirabu sets to Taichi and scores. Asahi gains the point back when he spikes the ball off Ushijima's arm and sends it out of bounds. Asahi serves and Goshiki receives but the ball is set off. Shirabu sends the ball to Ushijima who then deflects the ball off Tanaka's hand and sends it out. Ushijima is up to serve next. He does so and the ball hits Tanaka straight on his forehead but sends it back over the net and lands before Yamagata can save it. Tanaka tries to play this off as his intended plan, but Tsukishima points out how he looks to be in pain. As Hinata rotates in, he claims he will show Ushijima who the stronger team is and causing Sugawara to question Hinata's behavior. Yamaguchi reveals that Hinata had run into Ushijima not too long ago and the two had a scuffle, sending Sugawara into a panic from thinking Hinata is picking fights with other schools. At the next chance ball, Hinata calls for the ball and Kageyama sends him the new quick. Hinata stares at Ushijima and spikes. To his shock, Tendō suddenly blocks the quick. Tendō informs Hinata and Kageyama that if they wish to beat Ushijima, they will have to get through him first. Saeko overhears someone refer to Tendō as the "Guess Monster". She and Yachi become confused on what the name means.

Reon serves next. Daichi receives but the ball is off. Tanaka sends the last hit to Kageyama. Tendō watches carefully and instructs Goshiki to jump straight. The two jump to block Kageyama and Tendō is able to move his arms quick enough to block when Kageyama tries to spike to his right. Shiratorizawa leads 4-3. Reon serves again and Daichi receives. Kageyama and Asahi glance at one another and this does not go unnoticed by Tendō who quickly positions himself to successfully block Hinata. Tendō relishes how great he is feeling. Saeko questions how Tendō is able to move the way he does and Shimada surmises that Tendō saw there were three possibilities of where the next attack would come from. The first possibility was whether or not Kageyama would do a setter dump as he is in the front, the next possibility would be using Hinata or Tanaka and the last was set to either Daichi or Asahi for a back attack. While on the court it is easy to get nervous and your body may not act the way you want but Tendō clearly is able to do this easily, making him a great threat. As Karasuno calls a timeout, Goshiki praises Tendō on his correct guess. He himself had believed that Kageyama would set to Asahi because he too had noticed the glance they exchanged. Tendō explains that they were bluffing as a possible way to throw off the blockers. Shirabu adds that once Tendō learns an opponent's glances, footwork, and handling, the opposing team will not stand a chance against him.

After Ukai urgaes to cut Shiratorizawa off at the next serve, Tanaka and Hinata notice Kageyama looking very upset. Though he denies he is, Kageyama admits to himself that he cannot stand it when a spike from his set is blocked. Takeda questions Tendō's method of blocking and Ukai explains that Tendō uses a type of blocking called "Guess Blocking." Tendō relies on his reading and intuition to guess/read where the next attack will be coming from and position himself in time to block. Ukai informs the players that there will be times that Tendō's guesses are wrong but from what they have seen so far that is a rare occurrence. What makes him even more of a threat is that he has a body that can react fast enough to get these blocks and that the best way to get by a blocker like him is to think of his movements as not having regularity. The timeout ends and the set continues with Reon serving once more. The ball hits the top of the net and Daichi is quick enough to receive. Despite the ball being short, Kageyama quickly positions himself to set as Tendō admires Kageyama's flawless coordination. He is so wrapped in his thoughts that he does not react in time when Hinata spikes the ball right over his head. Tendō calls Kageyama out on this, saying that Kageyama did this on purpose as a type of payback for Tendō's last block. The set continues and at his next set, Kageyama disguises where he sends the ball and Tendō falls for this by going to the right but Kageyama had set to Daichi instead of Hinata. Yamagata receives but the ball heads back to Karasuno. As Nishinoya sets to Kageyama, Hinata runs to the far side of the court with Tendō chasing after him. Reaching the end of the court, Hinata is given the last hit and spikes. The spike bounces off Yamagata's arms and goes out. Tendō admires how Kageyama has been more successful than other setters at being able to hide his sets from him and how fast Hinata is, stating that if he is even one tempo too late he will not be able to catch up. Reon asks if Tendō is assuming they'll overlook his wrong guess, slightly angering him.

Kageyama serves next. Yamagata receives it. Goshiki spikes past Hinata and Daichi but Asahi is able to save the ball and Hinata once again tries to lead Tendō to one side of the court. Though it appears that Tendō is following, he suddenly changes direction and runs to the opposite end in time to get a one-touch on Tanaka's spike. Ushijima is given the last hit and spikes past Hinata to score. Kageyama questions if Tendō pulled a fake or simply changed his mind on where to go. Ukai explains to Takeda that Tendō is planning to stop the spikes with his blocks and using those to score his own points. But blocking is something that is typically not done alone and Karasuno is using their blocks to connect the ball. Once the timing can be perfected, blocks can be just as useful as spikes. The next rally continues on until Ushijima lands a spike. Takeda comes to realize that attacks and blocks evolve and that different methods of attack and defense are learned through practice and understanding. Ukai is impressed at how much Takeda has come to learn of volleyball. While Takeda says that this is common to know, understanding all of this information will be their ally. As Tsukishima rotates in, he is mocked by Tendō calling him the normal guy.

Tsukishima becomes annoyed but Daichi advises him to just ignore it. Kawanishi serves and the ball falls short but Nishinoya digs it in time though it is sent back to Shiratorizawa. Tendō right away tries a time lag attack but is caught off-guard when Tsukishima is able to block him with no problem and score for Karasuno. Tsukishima then introduces himself to Tendō and informs him that while the time lag attack worked on Hinata, it will not work on him. Tendō says that he was annoyed by Karasuno's first-years to begin with, but Tsukishima has become his greatest annoyance, to which Tsukishima thanks him and annoys Tendō further. In the next play, Tendō looks to go to attack but Tsukishima waits and jumps when he sees Ushijima is given the set. Despite perfect timing, Ushijima is still able to get by. Takeda silently pleads for Tsukishima to continue thinking and be Karasuno's understanding. When the players change positions, Shirabu noticed Tsukishima had been staring at him. In the waiting area, Yamaguchi is certain that Karasuno will get their chance and begins to silently plead to Ukai to be put into the game. The game continues and Tsukishima continues to get one-touches on many of the spikes. Shirabu is becoming frustrated with Tsukishima being able to constantly do this. Tanaka delivers a spike that causes Goshiki and Yamagata to hesitate when they see the other attempt to receive and thus allowing the ball to land. This upsets the Shiratorizawa coach, Tanji Washijō, who promptly scolds Goshiki.

Hinata soon rotates in and Sugawara is subbed in for Tsukishima. Sugawara serves and the ball is received by Reon. Tendō spikes and Daichi is able to save it. At this, Sugawara and Kageyama switch positions and Karasuno executes a synchronized attack. The Shiratorizawa players right away become alarmed and Reon and Tendō are unable to block in time to stop Kageyama's spike. Karasuno gets a break and ties 17-17. Washijō becomes irritated at seeing the attack, seeing that the same beliefs have carried from Ikkei Ukai to his grandson. Washijō confesses he never liked Ikkei or his methods of trying to build strength through new methods as he himself has always believed that being bigger and stronger is the only true strength there is. At that, Reon spikes and Sugawara fails to receive. Ukai sees that Washijō is the same as he has always been. Always looking for tall and strong players to bring onto the team; saying that even if they were not originally accepted by the team, Washijō would still accept them if they fit his definition of powerful.

The players are then put through rigorous training in order to stay in top condition. Finding someone like Ushijima was surely a great stroke of luck for Washijō. Ushijima deflects a spike off Kageyama's hand and scores. In the next rally, Goshiki hits a spike off Daichi's arm and scores as well, bringing Shiratorizawa to 20 points first. On Shiratorizawa's next turn, Shirabu serves and Nishinoya receives. Kageyama sets and Hinata spikes past Kawanishi and Goshiki. Yamaguchi is subbed in for Hinata as he is up to serve. With encouragement from Tsukishima, Yamaguchi performs a jump float. Goshiki receives and Shiratorizawa's formation breaks. Yamagata sends the last hit to Ushijima. With Daichi, Tsukishima and Asahi ready to block, Ushijima still spikes through and ends Yamaguchi's serve. Tendō is highly amused at how Karasuno has been stopped just now but is still concerned about how persistent Tsukishima is. Ukai calls for a timeout. Ukai advises the team not to get caught up in the excitement of completely shutting down an attack or breaking through a block. He reminds them to be thinking of their next plays and focus on things like getting a one-touch or doing a rebound. Even if it does not result in immediate points, doing these things will start to show. When the time-out ends and the players are making their way back onto the court, Tsukishima asks if he be permitted to set the timing for the three-person blocks. At the same time, Shirabu is reminded by Eita Semi to pass to Ushijima. Shirabu easily agrees though this seems to annoy Semi.

Goshiki serves and becomes annoyed seeing Daichi picking up the receive as he has done several times already. Asahi hits the ball against Ushijima's arm and scores. Daichi does the next serve. Goshiki receives and Shirabu sets to Ushijima though Tsukishima gets a one-touch on his spike and further frustrates Shirabu. Asahi sends the ball back over after Tanaka and Daichi send it to him. Yamagata receives and Reon spikes. With his spike landing and the rotation changing, Tendō is now in the front. Tanaka receives Kawanishi's serve and Kageyama sets to Tsukishima. With Tendō jumping to block, Tsukishima does the feint over him. As Shirabu saves the ball, Reon realizes that the feint was purposely aimed to go to the center. He sets to Ushijima as Kageyama, Tsukishima and Asahi go to block. As Ushijima is preparing to spike, Tsukishima sets the timing and signals when to jump. Faced with the triple block, Ushijima spikes a straight that directly leads to Nishinoya. Karasuno's libero receives and surprises many with his accomplishment of getting the ball back up.

As Kageyama prepares to set, Tendō guesses where the ball with go and heads toward Karasuno's left only to be caught off guard when Kageyama sends the ball to Tsukishima who spikes past Reon and scores, bringing the score to a tie at 22-22. Asahi serves next and Reon calls it as going out. However, the ball manages to land in-bounds. At Asahi's next serve, Goshiki receives. When Reon is given the last hit, Saeko is surprised that it was not sent to Ushijima. Shimada believes it is because the Shiratorizawa team is keeping Ushijima's stamina in mind and are aware that he would be worn down if he were sent every last hit. As Reon goes to spike, Tsukishima, Kageyama and Tanaka prepare to block while following Tsukishima's call on the timing. To their shock, Reon executes a feint but Daichi is able to save it. The ball heads right back toward the net and Daichi yells to cover but Tendō scores with a direct spike. He cries out in victory only for Ushijima to point they are still two points away from taking the set. Ushijima is now up to serve. Daichi receives the spike that goes to Asahi who then sends it to Tanaka. As Goshiki receives the ball, Shirabu is wary of Tsukishima. Tendō calls for the ball while Ushijima and Reon ready themselves as well. Kageyama soon spots Shirabu attempting a setter dump. The Karasuno team notice the attempt as well but are taken back when Tsukishima is able to reach up and get a one-touch. Despite the effort, Nishinoya does not reach it in time and Shiratorizawa gains the point, and they now have set point 24-23. Tsukishima apologizes to Nishinoya as he believes his one-touch altered the balls path and the chance for it to be saved. Nishinoya instead states that he would not have been able to reach it regardless and Tsukishima should not be upset.

Ushijima serves again. Daichi momentarily believes the ball will go out but realizes it will not and receives. Tsukishima sends the last hit to Tanaka who deflects the ball off Reon's hand and sends it out, bringing the score to a deuce. As Hinata rotates in, Tsukishima takes the chance to speak with him before his serve. After he serves, Yamagata sends the receive to Shirabu. Tendō attempts to spike but is surprised when Hinata jumps and gets a one-touch. A brief flashback reveals that Tsukishima had warned Hinata that if his serve was neatly received there was a sure chance that Shiratorizawa would try doing a quick attack and Tsukishima had advised Hinata to try jumping as high as he could against Tendō. Hinata and Tanaka call for the ball but are surprised when Kageyama instead does a successful setter dump, seemingly as payback for Shirabu's setter dump. Tsukishima quietly praises Kageyama and manages to side-step Hinata who had attempted to hug him for his accurate guess of Shiratorizawa's play. Karasuno now has set point but that is taken back when Reon lands a spike.

Takeda becomes on edge at seeing how hard it is to score more than one point in a row. Ukai agrees though he explains that's how volleyball was designed and when a team is in the last part of a set they become more eager in an attempt to score and win. Despite that, Ukai says that as long as a team is able to continue being persistent and able to connect while staying calm and maintaining teamwork then it will start chipping away at the opponents' defense. As Reon serves, Akiteru sees how the Shiratorizawa players continue to deliver strong serves as if it were natural to them. Asahi receives the ball but it goes directly over the net, leading Kageyama and Goshiki to a joust that Kageyama easily wins but Tendō saves the ball by kicking it into the air. Yamagata gets the ball up for Goshiki to send it back to Karasuno.

As Nishinoya sends the receive to Kageyama, Hinata charges for the net and suddenly heads to the right side. Tendō and Shirabu are caught off guard and believe Hinata will get the ball but Kageyama instead tosses to Tanaka on the left and he gets by Shirabu and Tendō who had jumped too late. As the Karasuno team celebrates their point, Tendō is becoming annoyed as he calls Hinata a first-class decoy. Though Tanaka praises Kageyama on his toss, Kageyama instead apologizes to Tanaka saying that his set was slightly early. With the rest of the players, Tsukishima sees how frustrated opposing teams become when Hinata is running about the court in front of them and silently encourages Hinata and Kageyama to get as wild as they can.

With Karasuno at set point, Washijō calls for Shiratorizawa's first timeout. Though Coach Saitō admits that Karasuno is a different team from what they are used to, there is no reason for the players to panic and encourages them to continue scoring as they normally do. After the timeout, Shiratorizawa scores right away. Semi is then subbed in for Tendō as a pinch serve. He serves and Asahi receives. Tanaka sends the last hit to Daichi and the ball is bounced off the blocker's hands and goes straight above the net. Shirabu is instructed by Kawanishi to go for the ball at the same time Hinata jumps to block. To his surprise, Shirabu changes forms and sets the ball to Semi who then sets to Goshiki. Goshiki lands a spike past Daichi and Hinata. Shiratorizawa has set point 27-26. Semi serves again. Daichi receives but the ball is short. Despite this, Hinata and Kageyama pull off a successful quick attack to the shock and horror of the Shiratorizawa players.

Now tied again, Semi is subbed back out for Tendō. Tanaka serves next and the rally goes on with both sides returning the ball and attempting to score. Ushijima is again lured into Karasuno's plan of being faced against a triple block and aiming a straight shot right at Nishinoya who saves it despite getting knocked down from the sheer force behind the spike. Asahi attempts to spike the last hit but is blocked by Kawanishi and Shirabu. After a short rally following Shirabu's serve, Daichi is able to score a point when Yamagata fails to receive his spike. As the rotation changes and Tsukishima goes in, Yamaguchi recalls the conversation he had with Tsukishima of whether or not Tsukishima believed he would be able to beat Ushijima. Tsukishima had admitted that it was not possible for him to beat Ushijima due to their experience, efforts and physical abilities. Hinata prepares to serve and Shimada and Takinoue notice how nervous he is, which they believe is due to Hinata being inexperienced in serves and receives. Kageyama quickly gives Hinata a signal of what their next attack will be.

As they wait for Hinata to serve, Tsukishima analyzes that Tendō's style of guess blocking ranges between 120-0 points and read blocking is an average of about 75 points. As Hinata serves, Tsukishima declares that Karasuno cannot allow the opposing setter to feel the pleasure or accomplishment of overcoming their blocks. They must continue to be persistent, adding pressure and building stress. As he says this, Tsukishima and Asahi get a one-touch on Ushijima's spike but it heads out.

Hinata, however, leaps after it and hits the ball back while crashing through the court barriers. With Ukai shouting to connect, Tanaka sends the last hit to Kageyama. Kageyama spikes but the ball hits the top of the net. Kawanishi manages to save with a single-arm receive but the ball goes right back to Karasuno. Asahi sends Kageyama the ball as Hinata runs back with great speed. Kageyama sets the ball and Hinata perfectly spikes and scores before any of the Shiratorizawa players can try to receive and while trying to keep himself from crashing into the net. Karasuno has set point 29-28. Sugawara is amazed at how much quicker Hinata has gotten at his back attack since Oikawa had stopped him while Kawanishi is criticized by Tendō of not attempting to save the ball even though Kawanishi believes it would have been impossible to do so. Asahi compliments Tsukishima on his one-touch though Tsukishima says that if it were not for Hinata's cover, it would have just been a loss for them. Asahi points out that without the one-touch they would have been done right then and there.

At that moment, Ushijima requests Shirabu to send him the sets. At Hinata's second serve, Goshiki debates if the ball will go out or not and questions what will happen if he doesn't receive it. He ultimately saves it but the ball is off. Yamagata sends the last hit to Ushijima as Tsukishima, Asahi and Daichi prepare to block. Despite this, Ushijima spikes over them and the ball flies past Kageyama and Tanaka with great force that momentarily stuns the two. Takeda comments on how Ushijima was able to change the flow of the game with that one spike. Daichi advises the team not to get discouraged and they will continue to press forward. Goshiki serves next and Daichi receives. Asahi tries to spike but Kawanishi is able to block and the ball heads toward Karasuno's backside. Tanaka saves with an over-hand receive and they launch a synchronized attack. Kageyama gives the set to Daichi and Karasuno gets the point when Yamagata is unable to save the ball. Daichi serves and the ball heads toward the front. Reon receives and Shirabu tosses to Ushijima. Tsukishima, Kageyama and Asahi jump to block as they once again lead Ushijima to spike directly at Nishinoya. Tanaka and Daichi are able to get the ball up and back over to Shiratorizwa as Shirabu is becoming more frustrated. As Yamagata sends the ball to him, Shirabu recalls the one touches and receives of Ushijima's spikes that Karasuno has done.

When he gets the ball, Shirabu's frustration causes him to send a low toss close to the net. A moment that Tsukishima had been waiting for. Tsukishima and Asahi jump to block as Ushijima spots a clear path for him to spike through. He spikes the ball only for Tsukishima to move his arms in time to ultimately block Ushijima and score the set winning point for Karasuno. Everyone in the gymnasium, including Ushijima, is utterly surprised that Tsukishima has done what no one thought was possible.

Tsukishima recalls Bokuto's words from the training camp that when he has his own special badass moment, that will be when he will get hooked on volleyball. Tsukishima then lets out a cry of accomplishment as everyone shouts in celebration of his block. As Tsukishima is heavily praised by Tanaka and Nishinoya, Kageyama realizes that Shirabu's toss just now was not the normal set he would send to Ushijima and that Tsukishima realized this and took advantage, possibly having even waited for that very moment for a while. When Daichi and Asahi compliment him on his block, Tsukishima explains the block was made possible from the pressure and stress they had been piling on Shirabu from seeing Nishinoya's receives of their spikes from his sets and from Hinata and Kageyama getting through Shiratorizawa's blocks. Akiteru realizes that Tsukishima had been waiting for the moment when a toss from Shiratorizawa's setter would result in Karasuno being able to shut down one of Ushijima's spikes. While Saeko is amazed that Tsukishima would plan that far ahead, Yachi is not surprised by it; saying that Tsukishima is always making plans when he's playing volleyball. She believes that during that moment, the only thing on Tsukishima's mind was of blocking Ushijima. Hinata approaches Tsukishima and compliments his block, saying it was a block worth one hundred points.

Tsukishima soon advises the team that the time to celebrate what he has done is over, saying it was just one point, and the game is just getting started. The team agrees as they prepare themselves for the third set.

Set 3[]

As the teams are waiting to begin the third set, Tendō comes to the realization that Tsukishima had purposely left an opening for Ushijima to be able to spike through during the previous set; tricking him into thinking he would be able to get by only to be blocked. With Shiratorizawa having lost the second set, Tendō is quite concerned that their coach hasn't yelled at them yet. A moment later, Washijō calls Shirabu over. When Shirabu goes over, Washijō can tell what the setter is already thinking and does not say anything further. Shirabu heads back to the team and is teased by Tendō for still being alive. Shirabu remarks how he would surely have been punished if this game were a practice game and Tendō tries to comfort him by saying that tosses like the last one happen to everyone from time to time. Shirabu does not take comfort in this as he has come to see his last toss was not a simple mistake and promptly slaps himself with both hands, seeming to get himself out of his stupor.

The third set begins with Daichi serving. Shirabu is quick to set Reon's receive to Ushijima and score. When the same repeats with Tendō's spike, Kageyama realizes that Shirabu is not letting the loss of the second set get to him and he seems to be more focused than he was before. Shirabu sees that Kageyama is observing him and thinks back to seeing the quick attack and how it made him dizzy just watching it. Shirabu reveals that he had always looked up to setters who played elegantly, such as Oikawa, but that changed in middle school. Shirabu has a flashback of a game he played during the Miyagi prefecture sport competition in middle school where he was praised by a teammate for his sets being the best he has ever done. He had watched as Shiratorizawa played against Kitagawa Daiichi where he had admired the Kitagawa players for their speed, attacks and elegance. Oikawa especially having captured his admiration. While he admired Oikawa's elegance as a setter, Shirabu quickly became more entranced with the pure strength and height Ushijima displayed when playing on the Shiratorizawa middle school team. It was at that point that Shirabu had vowed he would attend Shiratorizawa Academy with hopes to one day be a setter for the volleyball team and play with other strong players.

His flashback ends as he sets another toss to Ushijima whose spike knocks over Nishinoya when he attempted to receive and wins the third set for Shiratorizawa. When Asahi tries to help Nishinoya up, he sees how frustrated the libero is becoming. Nishinoya openly admits that it is no secret that the taller you are in volleyball, the greater the advantage. But such a thing does not matter to a libero. With Ushijima being the biggest player before them, Nishinoya states that the only one equal to the ace is himself.

Set 4[]

While the teams change courts, Ushijima tells Hinata with disappointment that his quick reflexes should have made him good at blocks and receives but seeing as he was not, Hinata was pretty much useless in his eyes. At a loss for words, Hinata continues to walk until he approaches Tobio Kageyama and tells him that he and Ushijima are similar in terms of their blunt statements, but Kageyama misinterprets that and thinks that Hinata was talking about their spikes. As Coach Ukai tells them that they should be used to the intense atmosphere and that they were not doing anything wrong, they were still at a disadvantage. He personally advises Hinata to go for a soft block if he felt that his jump would be delayed since he lacked height.

As the fourth set begins, Goshiki is up to serve. He comments that he seems to be on a roll, and that he's going to start off the set with an ace. He attempts to do so but lands the ball out of bounds, angering Shiratorizawa and giving Karasuno the 1st point of the set. Daichi serves next. It's received and Shirabu sets to Ushijima. In a flashback, Tsukishima is seen telling Asahi that with just a two-man block, they can block off Ushijima's cross course when he spikes. As Ushijima spikes, Nishinoya receives it. Following Nishinoya's receive, Kageyama sets to Asahi, who slams the ball down to put Karasuno at 2-0. Others watching are noticing Tsukishima's change in demeanor and his contribution to the game. Meanwhile, Goshiki is discouraged after facing a barrage of criticism from Washijō. Reon reassures Goshiki that Washijō has high expectations of him, and the first-year becomes fired up. In the next rally, Tendō lands a spike when Tsukishima is unable to block in time. Tendō taunts Tsukishima by saying he is too slow and that blocking is of read blocking and following the scent of victory. Tsukishima instead voices he believes blocking is systematic.

Hinata spikes next and it's received. The ball is tossed to Goshiki. As he and Hinata prepare their block, Kageyama prepares himself due to Goshiki's sharp straight shots but is taken back when Goshiki instead deflects the ball off Kageyama's arm. Daichi reluctantly admits that Goshiki's shot was impressive but says Karasuno will just need to use another method to get the point back. The score is tied at 7-7, with Karasuno still technically leading. Shirabu sets to Ushijima but Tsukishima is able to get a one-touch. Daichi receives and the remaining players launch a synchronized attack. Kawanishi surprises the Karasuno team by successfully blocking Asahi's spike. Takinoue and Shimada see this was possible because Taichi had seen that Daichi had not been able to get ready for the attack due to having received the previous spike.

They soon hear someone comment on how they should have been thinking the same way when they played in high school and they soon see their former coach, Ikkei Ukai, standing behind them. Takinoue, Shimada and Akiteru quickly bow as they greet him and Saeko informs Yachi the man is Keishin Ukai's grandfather. Ikkei teases how the three would always seem to just go for the ball without putting too much thought into their actions. He takes a seat and begins to watch the game while observing Washijō's lineup. On the court, Washijō criticizes how Karasuno made the mistake of going for the ball all at once and not having anyone left to follow up. He sees how the strategies between his team and Karasuno are completely different but one thing they have in common is scoring points by force.

At that moment, Tsukishima lands a spike and ties the score. Washijō sees the game between the teams as a battle of concepts and this is the perfect opportunity to see which is the stronger team. Daichi prepares to serve after he and Ukai nod to each other. Ukai voices over how they should try to restrict their attacks to the left as Ushijima may not participate in receives. Reon receives Daichi's serve and Ushijima is able to spike the set past Tsukishima and Asahi. Karasuno soon takes the point back and the score is tied once more. Asahi does the next serve. Goshiki receives but the ball is sent off. Yamagata sends the last hit to Ushijima while Tanaka, Tsukishima and Kageyama hurry to block and Nishinoya prepares to receive. Tanaka gets a one-touch on Ushijima's spike and it flies toward the back of the court. In a small flashback, Ukai had advised that there may not be anything they can do with spikes like that but that they should do what they can to stop the rest. He had advised the center back to be positioned a step further back than normal if they would be able to get two or more blockers on Ushijima. Because their blocks with Tsukishima being the center are holding better than they thought, this is a method of receiving they should try.

The flashback ends as Asahi is able to save the ball and Ukai pleads for the team not to let miracle saves from Hinata and Tanaka be the only ones they can manage. Daichi sends Tanaka the last hit and Tendō is able to successfully block. When Reon compliments his block, Tendō explains that because of the way Tanaka was standing and looking where to attack it was easy to determine where he would try to spike. With Shiratorizawa now leading by one point, Ushijima is next to serve. He gets another point when Asahi is unable to receive the serve, earning Shiratorizawa a 2-point lead. On Ushijima's second serve, Daichi receives. Kageyama sets to Tsukishima who gets past a double block from having aimed for Shirabu due to him being a low blocker.

When Tsukishima goes to serve and Hinata rotates in, Tsukishima taunts Hinata by saying that the game will not get started if Hinata fails to score any points while he is upfront. Hinata gets riled up by this though he does not argue back. Sugawara recalls that Ushijima had spoken to Hinata earlier and questions Yamaguchi if he knew what it was about. Yamaguchi repeats Hinata's claim of Ushijima stating: "A shrimp that sucks like you has no reason to live." Sugawara is surprised by this but questions if Hinata didn't just imagine what Ushijima said. Yamaguchi says Hinata was certain in his claim and Sugawara wonders what Hinata will do at having been told something like that. Tsukishima sends his serve going right between Goshiki and Yamagata. The two are shown going to receive at the same time but Goshiki makes the receive though the ball is sent short.

As Shirabu sends the ball to Reon, Hinata remembers how Ushijima stated he could not fight with height. Going to block, Hinata surprises Ukai when he looks to be making a running approach for a spike. Ikkei excitedly watches as he sees Hinata is using the run to add height to his block, giving him wings. With the running momentum, Hinata is able to jump high enough to block Reon's spike and the ball lands on Shiratorizawa's side before Yamagata can save it. Karasuno ties once again at 11-11.

Set 5[]



  • Sets 1 and 3 are based off the anime version.
Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.