Canvas Mobile Resources (2025)

The purpose of this page is to provide information on basic functionality in the mobile Canvas App for both iOS and Android allowing you to complete or submit assignments via your smart device.

Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) used by Penn State that allows for online teaching and learning. In many cases, Penn State faculty will have an online instance of a course that you are currently enrolled in that enables you to access course materials, syllabi, readings, or submit assignments, and take quizzes as indicated by your instructor from any desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

This document is fluid and is currently being updated, if by chance your question is not answered here, navigate to the Canvas App FAQ for both iOS and Android.

Downloading the Canvas Mobile App

If you plan to use your smartphone or tablet with your Canvas course, please review the following instructions. While you can access Canvas through your mobile device’s web browser, not all features will be supported. If you plan on accessing Canvas on a mobile device, we recommend using the app.

You will need to first download the free Canvas by Instructure app through the App Store or Google Play Store. For more info on the app, please visit the following links:

To get started, do the following on your device:

  1. Download the Canvas by Instructure app. The icon will look similar to this:
  2. Open the app.
  3. Once you have opened the app, you will be presented with a page to search for your school. TapFind Your School or District.
  4. Enter “PSU” or “Penn State” and hit the arrow to continue. This will take you to WebAccess, where you will log in with your Penn State credentials.
  5. You should be greeted by another login window for the mobile app that should allow you to just hit theLog inbutton.
  6. Afterlogging in, you will be presentedwithyour list of courses.

Features available in the Canvas Mobile App

Most of the features available when using Canvas on a desktop or laptop computer are able to be completed through the mobile app. These include writing, linking, and submitting assignments, viewing video lectures, reading and downloading course materials and readings, and recording video responses. Canvas does provide a full list of the features available for both iOS and Android here:

Using the Canvas Mobile App

In this document we will describe how to perform a few simple actions in Canvas that will allow you, if necessary, to continue your coursework via the Canvas App on your mobile device.

  1. How can I access course materials/documents through the Canvas app?
  2. How can I view instructor recorded lectures?
  3. My instructor is going to be hosting class via zoom, how can I join?
  4. How can I write and submit written assignments through the Canvas app?
  5. I do not have access to a computer and I need to submit an assignment electronically. What are my options for submitting physical documents electronically through the Canvas app?
  6. Am I able to take quizzes and exams through the app?
  • How can I access course materials/documents through the Canvas app?

Through the Canvas app you are able to open up all course materials uploaded by your instructor. This includes pdf, word documents, photos, videos, and even external links to outside content.

  • Open the Canvas App and select your course from the dashboard.
  • Open theModuleslink and select the course module where the resource is located (this can vary based on how your instructor constructs the Canvas course). Some modules may be separated by week or unit.
  • Simplytap the course material and the app will open it. This includes .docx, .pdf, .doc, .jpg, and many other files available to be uploaded to Canvas.

For a visual, take a look at the video below:

  • How can I view instructor recorded lectures?

Many instructors use Kaltura to record their lectures and post them to the Canvas course so students who are unable to make it to class or want to reference the material later are able to. Here is how you can view them:

  • Open the Canvas App and select your course from the dashboard.
  • Open theMedia Gallerylink. This link holds all of the videos published by your instructor.
  • Navigate to your needed recorded lecture andtap the thumbnail to begin playback.

For a visual, take a look at the video below:

  • My instructor is going to be hosting class via Zoom, how can I join?

Canvas has direct integration with Zoom Video Conferencing so instructors are able to host virtual rooms and hold live lectures. You can connect to these rooms directly from the course page in your Canvas app.

  • Download the Zoom App from the iOS or Google Play Store.
  • Open the Canvas App and select your course from the dashboard.
  • Open theZoom link. Anytime your instructor creates a Zoom meeting room it will be listed in this location with both the date and time of the meeting.
  • Find the room you need to join and click the Join button.
  • If you’re prompted to login, use your PSU credentials.

For a visual, take a look at the video below:

  • Can I type and submit assignments through the Canvas app?

Yes, if the assignment is setup to allow standard text entry as a submission method, through the Canvas app you can type written responses for assignments and discussion groups. However, if your instructor did not allow text entry, you’ll need to submit a document electronically.

  • Open the Canvas App and select your course from the dashboard.
  • Open theModuleslink and select the course module where the assignment is located (this can vary based on how your instructor constructs the Canvas course). Some modules may be separated by week or unit.
  • Tap the assignment to enter it.
  • Begin typing your response on your mobile device and tap the submit button when completed to send it to your instructor.

For a visual, take a look at the video below:

  • I do not have access to a computer and I need to submit an assignment electronically. What are my options for submitting physical documents electronically through the Canvas app?

There may be situations where you’ll need to submit a document electronically but do not have access to a desktop or laptop computer to do so. In this situation, the best option is to take a picture or scan of your document using your mobile device and use a third-party app to convert the photo to a .pdf for submission into Canvas.

Here are a couple free iOS and Android applications that can help:

Microsoft Office Lens

Through PSU’s Office 365 license you are able to use Microsoft Office Lens to take pictures of documents and save them directly to your PSU OneDrive account. Once the documents are in your OneDrive cloud account, you can submit them through the Canvas app. This app is free and available for both iOS and Android.

How to use the app:

  • Download both the Microsoft Office Lens and OneDrive app from the iOS or Google Play Store.
  • Open OneDrive and use your PSU credentials to connect to your cloud storage.
    • On iOS, open Files, tap the triple-dot in the top right, and then Edit.
    • Ensure that OneDrive is listed as a location and turned on.
  • Open Microsoft Lens. If prompted login with your PSU account and allow the app to access your camera and photo library.
  • Take a photo of your physical document. If it is a multiple page submission, use the “Add New” button to set the next picture as page two, three, etc.
  • Tap Done.
  • Under “Save To” tap PDF and then select OneDrive as the save destination.
  • Wait for the document to finish uploading and close the window.
  • Open the Canvas App and select your course from the dashboard.
  • Open theAssignments link and locate and tap the assignment to enter it.
  • Tap Submit and then File Upload.
  • Tap Files in the bottom right, Browse in the top left, tap OneDrive and navigate to your Office Lens folder on OneDrive and select your newly added PDF file.
  • Wait for “Successfully Submitted” to appear to verify the submission.

For a visual, look below. The first video shows how to use the Lens app, the second how to upload it to Canvas:

Adobe Scan

Using your PSU provided Adobe ID and Creative Cloud license you are able to use the Adobe Scan app to scan documents into OneDrive. Once in OneDrive you will be able to upload them to Canvas through the Canvas App. This app is free and available for both iOS and Android.

First, ensure that you have an Adobe ID by going to, clicking Penn State and logging in with your credentials. If you see a request button under Adobe, click and follow the prompts to activate it.Your Adobe ID will be your PSU username,

How to use the app:

    • Download both the Adobe Scan and OneDrive app from the iOS or Google Play Store.
    • Open OneDrive and use your PSU credentials to connect to your cloud storage.
      • On iOS, open Files, tap the triple-dot in the top right, and then Edit.
      • Ensure that OneDrive is listed as a location and turned on.
    • Open the Adobe Scan app and login with your PSU Adobe ID.
    • Begin taking pictures of your document. Adobe should auto-crop to the edges of the paper, but you can manually change if necessary.
    • Once completed, tap the photos in the bottom-right. Edit as needed, rotate pages if they are not straight.
    • Tap “Save PDF” in the top right.
    • Once saved, Tap the “Share” button next to the document, then “Share a copy”, and then select OneDrive in the list of available apps.
    • Open the Canvas App and select your course from the dashboard.
    • Open theAssignments link and locate and tap the assignment to enter it.
    • Tap Submit and then File Upload.
    • Tap Files in the bottom right, Browse in the top left, tap OneDrive and navigate to your Adobe Scan PDF and select it to upload.
    • Wait for “Successfully Submitted” to appear to verify the submission.

For a visual, look below. The first video shows how to use the Adobe Scan app, the second how to upload it to Canvas:

  • Am I able to take quizzes and exams through the app?

Yes, through the Canvas App you are able to take Canvas quizzes and exams. Just as if you were on a desktop or laptop computer, you’ll be able to answer multiple choice, short answer, fill in the blank, essay, and many more.

  • Open the Canvas App and select your course from the dashboard.
  • Select Quizzes from the navigation menu.
  • Navigate to the quiz you need to complete and tap to enter it. Note the name, number of questions, and due date.
  • Tap Take Quiz to begin the quiz.

Canvas Mobile Resources (2025)


Do professors check Canvas quiz logs? ›

When you take the quiz on Canvas, your professors can see how many times you have visited the quiz page. Thus your professor can see your canvas activity during the quizzes. In fact, it also keeps the quiz log including the time taken for each question and the number of times you have visited each of it.

Can Canvas see how fast you answer questions? ›

Time stamps: When you start a quiz on Canvas, your professor can see exactly when you began the quiz, when you answered each question, and when you finally submitted it. This helps them keep track of your progress and how long you're spending on each question.

How does Canvas score multiple answers? ›

How are quiz scores calculated in Canvas? To calculate scores for Multiple Answers quiz questions, Canvas divides the total points possible by the amount of correct answers for that question. This amount is awarded for every correct answer selected and deducted for every incorrect answer selected.

How can Canvas detect cheating? ›

Through the Quiz Log function, the system will detect when the person taking the online test opens a new tab or browser, recording and reporting any suspicious action. Canvas can also avert cheating by locking the browser during the exam. Canvas tracks the time spent by the student on each question.

Can Canvas detect split screen? ›

The system won't automatically notice a split screen unless the student actively clicks away from the active Canvas test page. It's important to know that Canvas becomes more capable in detecting and even restricting split screens during proctored tests when tools like Respondus Monitor and Proctorio are used.

Does Canvas tell you if a quiz is proctored? ›

How can I tell in Canvas if my exams use Proctorio? Within Canvas, navigate to where your exams are located, typically in Modules or Quizzes. If the quiz title says “Remotely Proctored,” Proctorio will be used with it.

Can professors see if you switch tabs on Canvas? ›

Without proctoring software, instructors might see that there's no activity on the Canvas site but won't directly see that you've opened a new tab. However, if the quiz is being proctored using software like Respondus Monitor, switching tabs can be flagged as suspicious activity.

Does Canvas tell if you screenshot? ›

Canvas has the capability to detect screenshots during online exams. Taking screenshots during exams can lead to serious consequences. Proctoring software like Proctorio enhances Canvas's ability to detect cheating attempts. Canvas can detect screenshots even if exams are unproctored.

Can Canvas detect ChatGPT? ›

Can Canvas tell if you use ChatGPT? No, Canvas cannot detect if you are using ChatGPT, but your teacher can.

Does Canvas know what tabs are open? ›

Yes, Canvas can indeed detect switching tabs, especially when coupled with proctoring software for online exams.

Can Canvas see what device you use? ›

Canvas can't easily detect two devices or dual monitors. It primarily tracks user activity within its web interface.

Is there a way to see correct answers on canvas quizzes? ›

Correct Answers [6]: You can allow students to see correct quiz answers after completing the quiz. This setting enables a green Correct tab on every correct answer for the entire quiz. Quizzes default to this option, so if you do not want students to see the correct answers, deselect the checkbox.

Do Canvas quizzes give partial credit? ›

Partial credit is available for the Matching question type where you can award some points to those who partially answered the question correctly. Note that categorization and sorting question types are 'all-or-nothing' and do not currently have a partial credit feature.

How do you make a canvas quiz not count toward the final grade? ›

Type in a name for the Assignment [1], the total number of points [2], the assignment group [3] and how the grade should be displayed [4]. Select the Do not count this assignment towards the final grade [5] checkbox if you would like to exclude the quiz scores from final grade calculations.

How do I see student responses on canvas? ›

Click a course card to access that course.
  1. Click Quizzes in the Course Navigation Menu.
  2. Click the name of the survey.
  3. Click the Options icon, and click the Show Student Survey Results link to view individual submissions.
  4. Click on an anonymous student to see that student's response. ...
  5. The student's response will appear.
Jun 25, 2024

Does canvas save answers? ›

Answer choices are automatically saved as you move from one question to the next. You can change any of your answer choices before submitting the exam.

How do I view quiz results in canvas? ›

This may be called Survey Statistics if the item is a survey, or Quiz Statistics if it is a quiz. In the Statistics area, you can view an aggregated, visual report of student performance on the quiz or survey. At the top, you will see a summary of results, including the average time it took students to take the quiz.

How to find answers through Inspect? ›

  1. Right-click on the question or the area surrounding it.
  2. Select 'Inspect' from the menu that appears.
  3. A new panel will open, showing the HTML code of the page.
  4. Look for the relevant HTML element that contains the answer or the question.
Aug 24, 2023

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.